Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Our Best Travel Toy Recommendations

We've been working on developing a list of our best travel toy recommendations, which is something we get asked about a lot in the store.

What is a good travel toy? A good travel to should be self-contained, portable, small, lightweight, safe and fun. Our recommendations are based on the age of your child, since their interests and abilities change dramatically over time. In general, younger children need lots of little interesting items while older kids enjoy portable activity kits designed for longer play. Explore our recommendations for ages 0-3 years, 3-5 years, and 5+ years.

We asked our followers on Facebook to share their favorite travel toys, too. Their recommendations include: Books, masking tape; a spiral-bound drawing pad and crayons/ colored pencils; books on CD; coloring sets where you fill the "marker" with plain water; rocks, sticks and plastic hotel cups; "Scratch & Sketch" books; "Guess and Know" books, Travel Bingo; a tray for the car seat or lap; and Sakol velcro blocks. More great ideas!

Here's some of our favorite travel toys:

Box Set Airplane and Airport Portable Wood Playset

Airplanes Magnetic Design Set by Mudpuppy

Educo Train Magnetic Maze

Baby Paper

eeBoo Elodie & Naomi Musician & Artist Paper Dolls

Sophie la Girafe Natural Latex Baby Toy

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